The Path of Practice
Cutting-Through Delusion & The Way of Intrinsic-Awareness
Udyana Mandala is a Buddhist study and practice group specifically within the vajrayana tradition, and specifically focused on Dzogchen Atiyoga, the summit of all approaches to the non-dual realization of the primordial condition, the true nature of being.
The objective of this group is:
- Assist practitioners in developing consistent study and practice
- Give the required transmissions, initiations, teaching and practice instructions required
- Study and Practice group and meetings and retreats
Udyana Mandala
The Treasury of Bodhicitta Cycle - Atiyoga Dzogchen.
In general the teachings and path is that of Vajrayana, focused primarily on Dzogchen rooted in the traditional teachings as a concise, but complete set of teachings and instructions, which in essence includes the main points from the foundations to the final practice in a way that is suitable for today's life and circumstances.
- Teachings and Study of Buddhist philosophy
- The Foundational Teachings of Abhidharma
- Foundations of the Philosophical Systems
- The common and special foundational practices of Vajrayana
- Chod (for those interested)
- Special Dzogchen preliminaries
- Dzogchen Semde and Upadesha
This is not a public dharma group. We are a private and restricted group. The content of this pages is for informational purpose only for those who might be interested in this type of teachings and practice, but entrance into the group is not public, and is subject to certain requirements and a process of verification of qualifications. This is a very practical training group but at the same time it has a balanced amount of learning and study. Members of this group learn and practice following a specific approach which covers all the main teachings and practices required for a complete and total path.